31 July 2007


Last night, my awesome daughter climbed a few more rungs on the ladder of coolness. She's 3 1/2, which you must keep in mind. She's the coolest person I've ever met, and her actions last evening made me beam with pride.

I'm channel surfing and came upon VH1 Classic, which is quickly becoming my favorite station. They were showing Backbeat, which is a rather cheesy dramatization of the early years of the Beatles. My daughter looked at me and said, "That's the Beatles." I was shocked. Awesome! I told her that it kind of was, but kind of wasn't. She said, "I want to watch the Beatles." I almost fell out of my chair. "Really?" I asked. "OK...I'll put on some Beatles." So, I walked over to the DVD collection and grabbed one of my many Beatles discs and popped it in. For the next hour, she rocked out to the Beatles, dancing and attempting to sing along. She's 3!! My 3 year old daughter is loving her some Beatles. I couldn't be more excited and proud.

To further drive the point home, those who know me know that I don't let anybody touch my Beatles shit...books, DVDs, CDs, LPs, toys, etc. I broke out of my shell and let her play with my Beatles action figures (yes...I own Beatles action figures). She had a blast. It was a real father-daughter moment that will forever be etched in my brain.

Gotta love kids.

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